5 Reasons you Can't Sleep - And Why Naturopathic Medicine can Help

Dealing with insomnia can significantly complicate life, as insufficient sleep disrupts energy levels, compromises immune system health, and diminishes overall quality of life. Quality sleep is a cornerstone of overall well-being, influencing mental and physical health and even safety. During sleep, your body actively supports brain function and emotional well-being. As you rest, your brain forms new pathways, contributing to improved learning and problem-solving skills. Scientific studies confirm that adequate sleep enhances attention, decision-making, and creativity.

Conversely, sleep deficiency has serious implications. Your immune system depends on adequate sleep to maintain its effectiveness, and persistent sleep deficiency can compromise your body's ability to combat common infections. Prioritizing adequate sleep is crucial for maintaining both mental health and overall well-being. There are four common reasons individuals struggle with sleep, each with unique challenges. 

1. Hormone Imbalances

Our bodies are finely tuned ecosystems, and imbalances in serotonin, cortisol, melatonin, estrogen, and testosterone can disrupt the delicate dance required for a good night's sleep. Individuals with hypothyroidism are particularly susceptible to insomnia. 

2. Nutrition

The connection between our dietary choices and the quality of our sleep is significant. Substances like alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine are known contributors to insomnia, emphasizing the importance of managing their intake, especially before bedtime. Refined sugars in desserts, sodas, and simple carbohydrates like white bread may disrupt sleep patterns. Being mindful of sugar consumption, particularly in the evening, can foster a more conducive environment for rest.

Recent studies also highlight a link between partial sleep deprivation and changes in the gut microbiome, specifically impacting phyla like Verrucomicrobia and Lentisphaerae. Enhancing gut microbiota through a fiber-rich diet, including vegetables, legumes, beans, and fruit, holds promise for positively influencing sleep.

3. Environmental Factors

The world around us significantly impacts our sleep quality. Environmental irritants like noise, light, room temperature, and even exposure to allergens can disrupt our circadian rhythms. Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) investigate and address these external factors, recommending changes to optimize the sleep environment. This may include reducing exposure to noise and blue light, ensuring proper room temperature, and considering full spectrum light exposure during the day for improved melatonin production.

4. Emotional and Psychological Causes

The intricate relationship between sleep and mood often leads to a cycle where disrupted sleep contributes to emotional changes, while conditions like depression and anxiety further disrupt sleep. Naturopathic medicine takes a holistic approach, addressing mental health through collaboration with patients and mental health professionals. Behavioral medicine techniques alleviate stress and anxiety, including mindfulness, breathing exercises, and meditation. Additionally, NDs may prescribe botanical medicines such as GABA, L-theanine, passionflower, and adaptogens like Ashwagandha to support emotional well-being.

5. Medication Side Effects

Certain medications, including those for common colds, allergies, high blood pressure, heart disease, and depression, can interfere with sleep. NDs recognize the impact of medication on sleep quality and work with patients and prescribing physicians to explore alternatives or adjust dosages. In some cases, naturopathic treatments can complement conventional approaches to mitigate side effects.

Individualized Naturopathic Treatments

At Mountain View Vital Medicine in Spokane, Washington, we emphasize a personalized, whole-person approach to addressing sleep issues. We evaluate lifestyle factors, including diet, environment, and sleep hygiene. We guide patients in making positive changes, such as eliminating stimulants, increasing physical activity, and establishing healthy routines.

Insomnia is both a cause and effect of various health conditions. Visit our website at Mountain View Vital Medicine to learn more. If you are ready for a comprehensive approach to promoting restful and rejuvenating sleep, contact us today to make an appointment.